How to Manage People Effectively

The ten below (and there are surely more) are a good yardstick to determine your profit potential through people management.

1. Create Expectations

Tell people up front what is expected of them.

2. Set a Stretch Challenge

Make people grow and coach them along the way.

3. Never move too slowly on critical personnel decisions

Dragging your feet here will really hurt your business.

4. Involve people in both DEVELOPING and IMPLEMENTING strategy

Too much tops down brings the top down.

5. Call a Spade a Spade

Address poor performance or it'll cost you -- BIG.

6. Reward your stars!

Pay good performers what they're worth, and it will be returned to you tenfold.

7. Get the Right Person for the job

Define the job and find the person who can do it rather than redefining the job to fit the capabilities of the incumbent.

8. Require that People do Their Homework

When people are not prepared for meetings, the company is not prepared to make decisions. Stop the presses!

9. Constantly Upgrade Skills

Provide continuous training to keep people at their best.

10. Recognize That Pride Drives Performance More Than Money

Complement people for a job well done.

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