8 Websites to Help You Plan Your Financial Future

The Internet has many websites on every conceivable subject, and finance is definitely not an exception. Here are 8 websites you could take a look at that’ll help you improve your bank balance or wipe out your overdraft.


Investopedia, as the name suggests, covers all aspects of investing, but it also has a section on personal finance. Everything from credit and loans, to insurance, taxes, retirement, and many more, make this a good website to bookmark and peruse through.

MSN Money

MSN being Microsoft, there will all of the Microsoft haters and bashers who will not like this page. But MSN does a surprisingly good finance page, which delves into more than just stocks and shares. They also cover personal finance, real estate, a currency converter, and a broker center. And lots more.

Yahoo Finance

Just like MSN, Yahoo also has their own finance page. I think the Yahoo design is more pleasing to the eye, and well designed. Although again, just like MSN, the vast majority of articles on the Yahoo Finance page are sourced from other places.

Get Rich Slowly

“Get Rich Slowly” is one of my favourite reads, and is no stranger to MakeUseOf.  This is a site with completely unique content, excellent writers, and a vibrant active community of readers. As well as discussing the important financial issues such as taxes, retirement accounts, interest rates, and so on, they also discuss other kinds of useful stuff, like how to prepare for an unexpected tax bill, and how to make yourself look employable to a prospective employer.

Wise Bread

With the tagline “Living Large On a Small Budget” (sounds good to me), Wisebread dives right in and analyzes financial subjects such as Cars & Transportation, Debt Management, Insurance, Investments, and much more.

Budgets are Sexy

As well as the great content, the title of the site itself is enough to get my attention at least. The site describes its purpose as “to keep personal finance fun”, and with 200,000+ subscribers, it has positioned itself as a great site to read if you want to improve your financial situation.

Punch Debt In The Face

If I thought that “Budgets Are Sexy” was the best title ever for a personal finance blog, then I was recently mistaken. During my research travels I found a site called “Punch Debt In The Face” (how could you not love a site called that?!), and with little stick figures explaining stuff, it was if XKCD had suddenly jumped onto another site.

The Muse

“The Muse” is actually a career advice website, but it has a very good finance section as well. It features articles and advice for people leaving education, and about to enter the marketplace for the first time.

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